Let the distance traveled by foot be x km. So, the distance traveled by car = 75 − x km. ATQ, On Solving: -
So, the distance traveled on foot = 45 km.
H is the son-in-law of G and is the brother-in-law of M who is the brother of K. K is the daughter of G. How is M related to G?
If, ‘A#B’ means A is husband of B ‘A@B’ means A is sister of B ‘A$B’ means A is daughter of B ‘A%B’ means A is son of B In expression Y%...
In a family of three generations there are six family members i.e. J, K, L, M, N, and O. O is the Son in law of J. K is the brother in law of M who has...
How many male members are in the family?
Ajit and Binit are brothers and Chameli and Dhameli are sisters. Ajit’s son is Dhameli’s brother. How is Binit related to Chameli?
Which of the following is true about K?
How is H related to son of M?
Introducing Meenakshi, Ramsingh says, "She is the sister of the son of my mother's sister". How is Meenakshi related to Ramsingh ?
How is F related to D?
‘R+S’ means ‘R is the daughter of S’. ‘R−S’ means ‘R is the husband of S’.‘R × S’ means ‘R is the brother of S’. If ‘B × C...