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RuchiKhushiTej 304060 120LCM of 30,40,60 432 Working type -Ruchi +Ruchi+ (Ruchi +Khushi +Tej) Working in first 3 days =4+4+4+3+2=17units 3×7days =17×7=119units 21days =119units Remaining work =120-119=1unit 22days =1/4 days Total days = 21+1/4=85/4days
Which of the following can cause a Tsunami?
RBI allowed international trade in rupees by drawing power from which of the following act?
How many sectors are there in Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Schemes?
The CGWB under the Ministry of Jal Shakti conducts regular monitoring and assessment of groundwater quality including ground water contamination of Ars...
What is the name of China’s cutting-edge ocean drilling vessel designed to penetrate the Earth’s crust and reach the mantle for the first time in hu...
Which dance form of Goa is also known as the ‘Warrior Dance’?
For the SHG(Self Help Groups) how much maximum loan amount is provided under DAY -NRLM scheme ?
Which of the following ‘Agribusiness Growth Centre’ is established under Gramya-2 Project in Pithoragarh Division?
Which of the following evidence prove's that the Himalayas are still rising?
1.The frequent occurrence of earthquakes in the Himalayan region ...
What was the name of cyclonic storm that came in Arabian Sea in May, 2021?