Ajay Bablu Chirag 21 28 15 420 LCM of 21,28,15 20 15 28 Ajay And Chirag both working 3 days = (20+28) ×3=144 Remaining work=420-144=276 Remaining work complete by Ajay Bablu and Chirag =276/63 =92/21=4(8/21) days
Monocotyledons flowers do not have distinct sepals or petals. The combined petals and sepals found in them are called
Match List I with List II :
Choose the correct answer...
The most critical stage for irrigation in wheat is CRI. In wheat, CRI stage arises at (DAS)………………………
...Pusa majesty is a variety of :
What is repo rate?
Which of the following pair is not correctly matched?
Which one of the following is recommended to measure water flow from a pipe?
Rubisco stands for
‘Mehsana’ breed belongs to the species:
Apothecium contains