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Efficiency of Ram =4-3=1 Total work Ram alone takes to finish=36/1 = 36 days.
To raise incomes for farmers with enhanced production & productivity, Urea Gold was introduced. Urea Gold address which of the following challenges give...
In which type of poultry housing system, the usual floor space is 14 × 16 inches and the height, 17 inches?
The range of usefulness of tensiometers is between
Which of the following exchangeable sodium percentage is characteristic of alkaline soils?
In delinting process, the ratio of concentrated sulphuric acid to cotton seed is:
Which is not true for urea?
Which of the following soil type is most suitable for the cultivation of cereals?
Highest nitrogen fertilizer requiring crop is
Which of the following statements is/are true?
Statement A: Mica and biotite are the secondary minerals but also act as primary minerals.
Which is used in the control of water hyancinth