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Let the skilled workers =a and semi-skilled workers=b 18a ×12 =24b ×15 3a =5b 3 skilled workers =5 semi-skilled workers. Therefore, we can say that in place of 3 skilled workers, 5 semi workers can come.
In a code language ‘rym’ means ‘outrage religious feelings’, ‘nrx’ means ‘religious information technology’ and ‘xyq’ means ‘outra...
Select the option that is related to the fifth letter-cluster in the same way as the second letter-cluster is related to the first letter-cluster and t...
What is the code for the word ‘guest venue’ in the given code language?
In a certain code language, ‘UMBRELLA ‘is coded as '21' and ‘FIGHTER’ coded as '108'. What is the code of word ‘DEAF’ in the same coding lan...
If word CIRCUMLOCUTION is coded as LMUCRICOCUTION then how UNENCUMBERED will be coded as
What is the code of ‘retail’?
In a code language, ‘apple mango banana’ is coded as ‘247’. ‘Banana grapes sweet’ is coded as ‘879’ and ‘sweet kiwi mango’ is coded ...
What can be the possible code for “Never together” in the given code language?
In a certain code language CELCIUS is written as TTJCMDD.
How will the word CHINESE be written in that code language?