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Let the total work be 1 unit. A’s efficiency = 1/15 (work per day). A and B together = 1/10 (work per day). B's efficiency = (1/10) - (1/15) = (3 - 2)/30 = 1/30 (work per day). Thus, B alone can complete the work in 30 days.
Which of the following statement is correct about 'Document' as defined in Indian Penal Code?
Whether the contents of documents or electronic records, can be proved by oral evidence?
As per the definition of undue influence under the Contract Act a person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another________________
According to Hindu Minority and Guardianship Act, which of the following is correct?
Provision for enhanced punishment in case of subsequent conviction for certain crimes punishable under Chhattisgarh Excise Act 1915 is provided under:...
According to the Constitution of India, who constitutes the electoral college for the election of the President?
A mortgages a piece of land to B and later on builds a house thereon, which of the following conditions is applicable?
According to the Information Technology Act, 2000, which entity is responsible for constituting the Cyber Regulations Advisory Committee?
Where any period is fixed or granted by the court for doing of any act prescribed or allowed by the court, the court has discretion to enlarge such peri...
Opinion of experts is relevant on a question relating to: