Let the time taken by 'B' be '3x' days Therefore, time taken by 'A' = 7 X 3x = '21x' days Time taken by 'C' = (21x/3) = '7x' days Let total work = 21x units {LCM of '3x, '21x' and '7x'} Efficiency of 'A' = (21x/21x) = 1 unit/day Efficiency of 'B' = (21x/3x) = 7 units/day Efficiency of 'C' = (21x/7x) = 3 units/day Combined efficiency of 'A', 'B' and 'C' = (21x/21) = 'x' units/day Or, x = 1 + 7 + 3 = 11 Therefore, time taken by 'B' = 3x = 33 days
Concentration of argon in the atmosphere is
In which variety of cauliflower seed production is not possible in north-Indian plains?
Which of the following hormone is known as anti GA3?
Which of the following element is indirectly related with drought resistance?
The most important symptoms of wilt of cotton i.e caused by Fusarium oxysproum is
Family of sesame is
Excellent source of nitrogen in groundnut is
Where is cytokinin synthesis occurs in plants?
Button mushroom belongs to the genus
The brix value in sugarcane juice gives an estimate of: