
    A Train Rajdhani Express leaves Kanpur station at 6 am and reaches Lucknow station at 10 am. Another Train Shatabdi Express leaves Lucknow station at 8 am and reaches Kanpur station at 11.30 am. Find the time when two trains cross each other?

    A 7.56 am Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B 8.56 am Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C 8.59 am Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D 8.16 am Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E none of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    ATQ, we can say that  Time taken by Rajdhani Express is = 4 hours  Time taken by Shatabdi Express is = 7/2 hours  Let total distance between Kanpur station and Lucknow station is = 28 units Distance covered by Rajdhani express in 1 hour is = 7 units  Distance covered by Shatabdi express in 1 hour = 8 units  Distance covered by Rajdhani express in first 2 hours alone = 7 x 2 = 14 units  Remaining distance = 14 units  Time taken by both train to cover 14 units distance  = (14/15) x 60 minutes  = 56 minutes Hence, the  Required time is  = 8.56 am

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