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(1 - sin2 q) X (sec q + tan q) X (sec q - tan q) X cosec2 q= cos2 q X (sec2 q - tan2 q) X cosec2 q ...... (Using sin2 a + cos2 a = 1)= cos2 q X (1/sin2 q) ....... (Using sec2 a - tan2 a = 1)= cot² q
The Gurgaon project in Punjab was initiated by
Karan fries breed has been evolved by a cross between Tharparkar × Holstein Friesian.Which Institue had developed Karan fries Breed?
The approximate number of orange plants in one hectare would be:
Which plant growth regulator is used to reduce pre-harvest fruit drop in grapes?
Which of the following statement is correct regarding Gymnosperms?
What type of germination is observed in pigeon pea, where the cotyledons remain below the soil surface?
Which district among the following districts in Tripura has highest production of rubber during 2019-20 ?
Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: The synergistic posit...
Who provided the earliest demonstration of disease resistance as a character transmissible from parent to offspring in the Mendelian fashion?
Which type of nozzle forms a narrow elliptical spray pattern?