ATQ, 7 + 12 = 98 98 + 32 = 107 107 + 52 = 132 132 + 72 = 181 181 + 92 = 262 Therefore, 262 should come in the place of 264.
Which of the following statements is true for Entomophagy?
Which one of the following hormones sclerotizes the newly formed cuticle?
Pebrine disease of silkworm is caused by
Which of the following are the characteristic features of an Insect?
Pebrine disease of silkworm is caused by
Insects are classified into the phylum_______.
What is the term used to describe the average density of a pest population around which it fluctuates due to biotic and abiotic factors in the absence o...
What is the term used to describe the level of population density at which control measures should be implemented to prevent a rising pest population fr...
The process of estimating changes in insect distribution and abundance, providing information about their life history and the influence of biotic and a...
Order in which mosquito are present is