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ATQ, 42 + 2 = 18 52 + 2 = 27 62 + 2 = 38 72 + 2 = 51 82 + 2 = 66 92 + 2 = 83 So, 51 should come in place of 56.
Which word has been named the most notable word of 2023 by Collins Dictionary?
What is the innovative system developed by researchers at IIT Delhi to ensure fair minimum incomes for food delivery workers?
Which state won the World Habitat Awards 2023 For Jaga Mission?
Who were the recipients of the Indira Gandhi Peace Prize for 2023, and for what contributions?
What was the growth in private sector bank deposits in September 2024?
Recently who among the following has won the title of AIFF Men’s emerging footballer of the year 2021?
What is the maximum grant amount available to selected startups in the India-Australia RISE Accelerator program?
Who will inaugurate the AIFF-FIFA academy in Bhubaneswar on November 21?
Integrated energy company NTPC has begun trials of an intra-city hydrogen bus operation in Leh on a trial basis. NTPC aims to achieve 60 GW of renewab...
___________ has emerged as a leading State in 100% per cent utilization of the Rural Infrastructure Development Funds (RIDF).