Here series follows the pattern- 2206+24×1 = 2230 2230+24×2 = 2278 2278+24×4 = 2374 2374+24×8 = 2566 2566+24×16 = 2950
If investment is not responding to change in interest rate, then which of the following is true?
In a frequency distribution the last cumulative frequency is 500. Q3 must lie in?
The costs of inflation are?
Ability to pay principle is related with?
Which of the following is a limitation of the Command and Control approach in environmental economics?
Since the 1980s, Wal-Mart stores have appeared in almost every community in America. Wal-Mart buys its goods in large quantities and, therefore, at chea...
Calculate NNPfc from the following data:
(in Rs crores)