Petabyte among the given options is the largest unit of storage. 1 Petabyte = 1024 Terabyte
How often should the interest rate under the external benchmark be reset?
Tier I capital is also called
Which currencies were included in LIBOR?
As per the RBI guidelines for Short Term Loans for Agriculture and Allied Activities availed through Kisan Credit Card (KCC), Iinterest subvention a...
Which category of operational risk events encompasses losses from KYC and guideline breaches?
A Cash Credit or Overdraft account can be considered as out of order if:
A facility to withdraw money from a current bank account without having a credit balance but is limited to the extent of the borrowing limit, which the...
Which IFRS/Ind AS is discussed in the RBI's released Discussion Paper on Introduction of Expected Credit Loss (ECL) Framework for Provisioning by Banks?
What is the minimum Net Owned Fund required for a Asset Reconstruction Company?
Which of the following factors affecting the cost of capital can be controlled by the firm?