4 B V I 5 V E 6 R 7 J 6 Z 9 U 3 A S 8 N M B 9 P Q There are three (I, E, U) vowels which are immediately succeeded by a number.
In August 2024, who assumed additional responsibilities as the Director General (DG) of the Border Security Force (BSF) after the departure of the previ...
According to the Finance Ministry, India's net FDI inflows fell by nearly 31% to how many billion dollars in the first ten months of the session 2023-24?
Who discovered penicillin?
Which company has entered into a contract worth Rs 445 Crores with the Uttar Pradesh Government for the implementation of the next-generation UP Dial 11...
In a certain ode language, BG = 20, BIG = 126. What will be the code for MAT?
When was the voting age in India reduced from 21 years to 18 years?
Which of the following pairs is incorrectly matched?
Identify the bank that collaborated with DMI Finance to introduce a co-branded credit card.
Consider the following:
I. Prime Minister
II. Union Home Minister
III. Speaker of the Lok Sabha
IV. Deputy Chairman of the R...
Consider the following statements about fiscal deficit:
1. Fiscal deficit is the difference between total revenue and total expenditure of the go...