The logic followed here is as follows: 5 is added to the square of the first number to get the second number. 22² + 5 = 484 + 5 = 489 Similarly, 5 is added to the square of the fifth number to get the sixth number. 26² + 5 = 676 + 5 = 681 So, Third number² + 5 = Fourth number Third number² = 1230 – 5 Third number² = 1225 Third number= 35
How is W related to V?
In a family, U is the father of L. U has only two children. L is the brother of I. I is the daughter of S. B is the grand-daughter of S. C is the father...
How is Y related to X?
If 'L@M' means L is spouse of M. L#M means L is sister of M. L$M means L is brother of M. L%M means L is son of M. If 'P % Q @ R $ S # T % U' is true, t...
Which of the following statements is definitely true?
How is C related to the husband of D?
Ketan is father of Mehul’s brother. How is Ketan related to Mehul?
How is F related to C?
‘A + B’ means 'A is mother of B’, ‘A – B’ means 'A is brother of B', ‘A ÷ B’ means 'A is father of B’, ‘A × B’ means 'A is h...
How is M related to N?