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Given series: _ h _ i j _ _ g _ i _ j _ k _ _ i i _ k _ The complete series is: g h i i j k k / g h i i j k k / g h i i j k k
There are five students N, O, P, Q and R participating in a match. O gets lesser score than only P and N. Q scores lesser than O and more than R. N does...
All 130 students in a class are standing in a row facing north. Gyan is 19th from the right end and Misha is 10th from left end ...
On which of the following floor number does D live?
There are five persons who have different number of caps. K has more caps than J and M. L, who doesn’t have highest number of caps, has more caps tha...
Akshi ranked seventh from the bottom and twelve from the top among those who went to France from India for Technical tour from the college. Seven girls ...
Six persons P, V, A, S, K and R have different weights. A is heavier than only one person. V is just heavier than R, who is heavier than S. K is heavier...
Six machines M, N, O, P, Q and R have different prices. M is cheaper than N. O is not costlier than P. P is not costlier than M. R is costlier than Q. ...
In the office of ixambee there are 76 employees, the number of boys are thrice of the number of girls, Reena ranked seventeen from the top, if there are...
Raju is 11th to the left of Shyam who is 28th from the left end of a row of 40 students. Then what will be Raju’s position from ...
If Karan scored 151 runs in match U, then runs scored by Karan in match S can be _____.