5 is added to the square of the first number to get the second number. 1) 43 - 1854→ 43² + 5 = 1849 + 5 = 1854. 2) 36 - 1301→ 36² + 5 = 1296 + 5 = 1301. 3) 24 - 581→ 24² + 5 = 576 + 5 = 581. 4) 18 – 332→ 18² + 5 = 324 + 5 = 329.
Average age of company A is 23 years and average age of both companies A and B is 15 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 3:...
The average salary of all males and females in an office is Rs.16000 and the total number of females in the office is 16. If the average salaries of mal...
The average cost of three chairs is Rs.16000. The average cost decrease by 20% when one more chair is included. What is the cost price of the 4th
The average age of a class of 24 girls is 16 years. If 6 new girls having average age of 12 years join the class, then the average age of the class beco...
The average expenditure of a man for the first 3 month is Rs.6000 and for the next 9 months is Rs.7500. If he saves 15000 in that year then find his ave...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 40. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 50 students is reduced t...
The average of five consecutive odd numbers is 77. What is the average of the first three numbers among them?
There are three numbers. If the average of any two of them is added to the third number, the sums obtained are 177, 163 and 138. Whatis the average of ...
The average height of each student in a class of 36 students is 169 cm. If 4 new students joined the class, then the average height of the each student ...
The average weight of 25 employees in an office increases by 0.8 kg when the weight of the manager is included. If earlier the average weight of the emp...