
    A statement is given, followed by two arguments

    numbered (I) and (II). Decide which of the given arguments strongly supports the statement.   Statement: Should mercy killing be legalized in India? Argument I: Yes. Mercy killing is already legalized in several other countries.   Argument II: No. Given India’s current social fabric, there is a high probability that the mercy killing provision might end up being misused by some people for their ulterior motives.
    A Only argument I is strong Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only argument II is strong Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Either argument I or II is strong Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Neither argument I nor II is strong Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    The stance of other countries with regards to mercy killing is not necessarily related to what India's stance on the matter should be, since the socio-cultural factors prevailing in those countries might be different from those prevailing in India. Thus, Argument I is a weak argument. Argument II, on the other hand, points out a genuine problem with regards to legalizing mercy killing in the Indian context, therefore, Argument II is a strong argument.   Hence, the correct answer is (B).

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