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In given set, Second number = (1st number - 4), Or Third number = (2nd number - 8) [92, 88, 80] = 92 - 4 = 88, 88 - 80 = 8 [66, 62, 54] = 66 - 62 = 4, 62 - 54 = 8
Which one of the following boxes contains grapes?
Each of six teachers M, N, P, Q, S and I have their classes on six different days of a week starting from Monday and ending on Saturday of the same week...
How many cartons are kept between T and S?
In which floor and flat does S live?
Which person among the following likes Badminton?
Who among the following lives at the topmost floor?
G is going to attend conference in which country?
____ lives in flat P of floor 2.
How many persons stay between R and S?
Who celebrated his birthday between Y and G?