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Person who has ITC lives to the extreme west of the one who has Infosys and to the South-west of the one who has Reliance. As per these lines four cases will arrive
Kanishk has series of Adani shared the same Flat and Floor number. Note: Kanishk lives either on FLAT-1 of Floor-1 (OR) FLAT-2 of Floor-2. Thus Case-1-A and Case-2-A gets rejected.
Karan who has Reliance lives to the North-East of Kabir. Kapil lives in the same Flat and Floor number. Note: Kapil lives on FLAT-1 of Floor-1, only possibility in both cases.
Which of the following is not an extension for audio files?
To navigate to a new Web page for which you know the URL, type URL in the browser’s______ and press Enter
What is the main purpose of the 'cache memory' in a computer system?
Which of the following is/are not an advantage of Android?
In the context of cybersecurity, what does the term zero-day vulnerability refer to?
DMA stands for
Northbridge and Southbridge form a part of ______________.
Caret is also known as _______________
What does the acronym 'HTTP' stand for in web technology?
What does API stand for?