Tx is at one extreme end. Px is the neighbour of Tx and is third to the left of Qx. This implies that Tx sits at extreme left end, and Px sits to the immediate right of Tx. Also, Qx sits at the extreme right end. Thus, the arrangement can be show as below: Therefore, it is clear that Qx is fourth to the right of Tx. Hence, the correct answer is (C).
The Law of Contract is not related to which of the following maxims_______________
2 xerox copies of a will deed are ___________?
The first Annual General Meeting of the company shall be held ______________
Presumption as to electronic records is for records ________.
What is the punishment to commit an affray in terms of imprisonment?
According to which rule of interpretation meaning of words should be known from its accompanying or associating words?
In which section is the offence of Rioting defined under IPC?
A was a teacher in B's school. But due to some disputes, A set up a rival school to that of B's school with the result that the B was requi...
When can an appeal lie to Supreme Court under Section 109 CPC?
I. When the High Court c...
Any charge for Impeachment of President may be preferred