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What is the target for annual production of Green Hydrogen by 2030?
As per the Union Budget 2024-25, what is the new limit for Mudra Loans under the ‘Tarun’ category?
How many projects have been sanctioned under the National Adaptation Fund for Climate Change (NAFCC) in India?
RBI’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) had decided to increase the repo rate by how much basis points?
Recently which of the following Indian firm has buy the majority of stake in Isreal Haifa Port?
A Finance Bill is a Money Bill as defined in which of the following Article of the constitution of India?
As per the Union Budget 2024-25, how many high-yielding and climate-resilient crop varieties will be released?
Consider the following statement:
Mahatma Gandhi National Fellowship Programme (MGNF) in collaboration with IIM is providing certificate course in ______ ?