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J lives on floor number 6. There is j gap of three floors between K and M and both of them live on odd number of floors. M lives above J. O lives just above Q who lives on an even numbered floor. Only one person lives between K and N. Three persons live between L and Q.
Direction: In the sentence given below, a part is highlighted and suggestions for its correction are given below the sentence. Choose the correct opti...
The reason why a 15-day rolling average is taken to fix prices is insulating domestic consumers from extreme volatility in international prices.
...The state reeling for an agrarian crisis following famers’ agitation has approved a subsidy on electricity tariff to farmers
Travel can be great than you get ridden from your schedule and completely go off the grid.
Almost the country is yet to significantly transform to renewable energy, accounting only 22.5% of nationwide electricity production, India has been...
In the following question, a part of the sentence is highlighted. Below are given alternatives to the highlighted part which may improve the sent...
I hope, you vividly remember the premier of the film when I, my wife and you were present in the hall.
In the question below, a phrase is given followed by four sentences. Each sentence has one phrase highlighted. The given phrase can be used to replace t...
Several ministers have been expected to meet the people tomorrow.
Scientists are identify a gene that improves the heat tolerance of the algae that live symbiotically with coral species.