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The correct answer is B
H is grandson of B, who is not mother of F. G is wife of F, who is father of H. A is mother of D, who is brother of F. How is B related to D?
N, O, Q, R, S and T are seven members in a family. N is married to Q, who has two children, O and R. T is the only son of S, who is sister- in- law of R...
Who among the following person is the granddaughter of H?
Which among the following option(s) is/are definitely true?
Introducing a woman, a man said, 'Her sister’s mother is the only daughter of my grandmother.' How is the man related to this woman?
How is Q related to O?
How is M related to N’s brother?
How is L related to J?
How is Z related to W?
A # B means ‘A is the sister of B’.
A @ B means ‘A is the son of B’.
A & B means ‘A is the father of B’.
A % B m...