If the CFO is being asked to take charge of the company, it is definitely implied that he has the skills to do so. Thus, Assumption I is a valid assumption. Whether the CFO accepts the offer or not is in no way implicit in the given statement. Thus, Assumption II is not a valid assumption. Hence, the correct answer is (A).
According to the Insurance Act an insurer shall be ineligible for registration unless he has ______________
As per Negotiable Instruments Act 1881, a 'Bill of Exchange' is:
The issued capital of the Exim Bank shall be____________________
What is the meaning of the term "amicus curiae" ?
According to the Insurance Act, 1938 the record of the Insurance Agent shall be_____________________.
During the period when moratorium is declared by the Adjudicating Authority which of the following is prohibited?
Which of the following is not an example of a public trust doctrine?
What is the notice period for the Annual General Meeting of a company?
Which of the following is true with respect to the term “enterprise value” mentioned under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)...
The Pension Advisory Committee shall consist of______________