14 + 2 = 16 16 + 4 = 20 20 + 6 = 26 26 + 8 = 34 34 + 10 = 44 44 + 12 = 56 56 + 14 = 70 70 + 16 = 86 86 + 18 = 104
The four principles of organic farming do not include
The critical value of soil EC for germination of seed of crop is :-
What is the training system for grapevines that is suitable for vigorous varieties, involves spreading vines over a pandal at 2-2.4 m above the ground, ...
Which of the following is a Rabi season crop?
Which of the following is main objective of puddling in paddy?
Goma Kirti is a improved variety of which fruit crop:-
The example of Dal lake of Kashmir valley is an example of which type of vegetable gardening?
The site specific crop management approach that applies agro-chemicals to the field in an economical and environment friendly manner is known as ____.
Which crop among the following is the most drought resistant crop?
The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) has developed a new variety of wheat to keep obesity and diabetes in check. The variety is ____