Male (+) Female (-) Married (x) Brother/Sister (=) Raman and Sohan are brothers. Deepak is the father of Raman. We can illustrate by this diagram: Sushma is the wife of Sohan’s only brother. Sohan’s only brother is Raman. So, it means Sushma is the wife of Raman. Sakshi is the daughter of Sushma. It means Sakshi is the daughter of Sushma and Raman. Now , it is clear that Sakshi is granddaughter of Deepak.
?% of 140 + 16% of 250 = 62 × 12
(21 × 16 – 8) ÷ 41 = ?
(0.064 × 3.2 × 2.5) ÷ (0.0016 × 4 × 1.25) = ?2 – 57
82% of 400 + √(?) = 130% of 600 - 85% of 400
6% of 520 + 5% of 620 = ?
?3 - 25 × 11 = 30 - 15 × 12
{(8× 8 + 3 × 39) - 620 ÷ 20} = ?
2850 ÷ 2.5 - ? × 42 = 300
√1936 + √3025 = ? % of 220