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Who used the "Rajasthani" term for the language of Rajasthan for the first time ?
Palas, Prathiharas and Rashtrakutas participated in warfare for the control of which of the following cities?
Which of the following is not correctly matched?
Which Indian mathematician is credited with the discovery of zero?
Consider the following statement:
(1) India buys Eighth position in terms of nominal Gross Domestic product among the world economy
The salt formed by the combination of the mixture of solutions of two simple salts and which lose identity of the salts from which it is formed.
The study of languages is called.
In a certain code language, 'BRINJAL' is written as 'RBINLJA'. How will 'TRANCES' be written in that code language?
What is the primary function of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC)?
In which year was India’s National Human Rights Commission set up?