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Select the number-pair in which the two numbers are related in the same way as the two numbers of the following number-pair.
6 : 85
Which alphabet - digit pair will replace the question mark in the given series?
23K, 28I, 34G, 41E, ?
Select the related number from the given alternatives.
97 : 16 :: 85 ?
Azad points towards a picture and says it’s the picture of his mother’s father’s only granddaughter’s only brother. How is Azad related to the p...
In this question, the statement is followed by two conclusions. Which of the two conclusion(s) is/are true?
Statement: Z > F ≥ A = B = G > S < ...
Identify the missing figure from the answer figures to complete the matrix given below.
Heavier coins are costlier. Ram’s coin is heavier than Mohan’s and costlier than Ramesh’s. Naresh’s coin is costlier than Ram’s but lighter th...
Some shells are pebbles.
All pebbles are rocks.
I. No shell is a rock.
II. Some shells a...
Select the option figure which has the given figure embedded as its part (rotation of the figure is not allowed).
Select the option that represents the correct order of the given words as they would appear in an English dictionary.
1. Variance
2. Viole...