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According to the botanical classification cashew belongs to which family among the following:
Water use efficiency is highest for drip irrigation. What is the water use
efficiency for drip irrigation?
An area is considered drought stricken, when the annual rainfall is less than
What is the primary causal organism of leaf rust in coffee plants?
Jaya, a high yielding variety developed in India which outyield both its parent was a cross between
Who among the following has the power to appoint Food Safety Officer having prescribed qualifications?
‘Kresek’ symptom is a characteristic symptom of which disease of rice?
Who was the Father of White revolution or was known as the Milkman of India?
Type of silviculture system which can regenerate through seeds and majority have a long life is ___
Consider the planting distance of the Sapota crop is 8 x 8 (meters). Calculate the number of trees per hectare by using the square system?