The difference between simple and compound interest on a sum of Rs.1000 at the end of two years is Rs10. Find the total CI on a sum after 3 years is?
What will be the CI on a sum of Rs.50,000 after 3 years at the rate of 11%p.a?
...Soni gets a SI of Rs. 3360 on a certain principal at the rate of 7%p.a. in 3 years. What CI will she get on twice the principal in two years at the same...
The compound interest on a certain sum in 2.5 years at 10% p.a., interest compounded yearly, is 1,623. The sum is:
The compound interest received on investing Rs. 4000 for 2 years at a compound interest of 20% p. a compounded annually is how much percentage more than...
The interest on 24,000 in a year compounded annually when the rates are 8% p.a. and 10% p.a. for two successive years is:
Raj and Simran each invested a sum of ₹10,000 for three years at 25% compound interest per annum. However, while for Raj the interest was compounded a...
What will Rs. 40,000 amounts to in 3 years at the rate of 20% p.a., if interest is compounded yearly?
A certain sum invested at compound interest of 10% p. a compounded annually, returns Rs. 6292 after 2 years. If a 20% greater sum is invested at a simpl...
The C.I on a sum of Rs. 6400 becomes Rs. 1276.5625 in 9 months. Find the rate of interest, if the rate of interest is compounded quarterly?