At a reservation counter. passengers are arriving for booking the tickets in a Poisson fashion with mean rate 60 per hour. The kurtosis of the inter-ar...
For a group of 100 students, the mean and standard deviation of scores were found to be 30 and 5 respectively. Later on it was discovered that the scor...
The median of following observations 8, 9, 10, 8, 8, 10, 8, 9 is
The probability density function of a random variable X is f(x) = ( π /10) sin ( π x /5) ; 0 ≤ x ≤ 5. The first quartile of X is:
If price-quantity are related for base year (0) and current year (1) are
∑ : p0q0 = 260,∑ : p1q0 = 395,∑ : p0q1 = 264,∑ : p1q1 = 422, t...
Which of the following is NOT an approach for assigning the probability of the event?
The deseasonalised time - series data will have only trend (T), cyclical (C) and irregular (I) components and is expressed as:
Marshall-Edgeworth Index number: