The lowest common denominator of a test is otherwise called:
What is the estimated total milk production in India for the year 2023-24 according to the "Basic Animal Husbandry Statistics 2024"?
Ozone layer which absorbs and scatters the solar ultraviolet radiation is present in which layer of atmosphere?
Under e NAM financial assistance will be provided to State/UT for selected APMCs/RMCs up to a maximum of Rs. ____ lakh per mandi, for purchase of hard...
“Devine” and “Collego” are two agricultural substances work by producing toxic compounds
that dissolve the cell walls of target
...Optimum seed rate for pigeon pea or red gram is
What is the main purpose of buffer stock in India?
Approximately, what fraction of total workforce of India is engaged in agricultural and allied sector activities?
Number of leaves considered as optimum for transplanting rice seedlings is
Black and dark coloured soil absorb ___________ heat from sunlight then light-coloured soil.