A purchased an article for Rs 2000. She sold the article at 15% profit. She then added Rs 200 to the amount received and purchased a purse such that the...
10% of a product's cost price is Rs.1245.80. What would be the selling price if the product is sold at a loss of 15%? (rounded off to the nearest rupee)
A sold a watch to B at a profit of 20%. B sold it to C at 30% profit. C sold it to D at 10% loss. If B's profit is ₹.80 more than that of A, then D bo...
A merchant sold an item with a profit of 32% after giving a discount of 17.5%. The difference between the marked price and the cost price of the item wa...
An anicle was sold for ₹1,215 after giving a discount of 19%. If a discount of 17.5% is given, then for how much (in ₹) should the article be sold?
The ratio between the sale price and the cost price of an article is 32 : 24. What is the ratio between the profit and the cost price of that article?
P purchased a book from registered store and gets 14% discount while Q purchased the same book from a roadside stall and got 19% discount. If Q paid Rs....
A shopkeeper sold an article after giving a discount of 25% and made a profit of Rs.75. Find the difference between the marked price and selling price o...
The cost price of two dozen bananas is Rs. 48 after selling 18 bananas at the rate of Rs. 18 per dozen, the shopkeeper reduced to rate of Rs. 12 per do...
Rohit sold 20 watches at a profit of 30%. If he had sold the watches for Rs. 2400 more in total, his overall profit would have been 50%. What is the sel...