Deccan Rivers are fed by:
As per the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 the Central Government may constitute one or more _______________ for the adjudic...
The entries in the register of charges of the company shall be authenticated by_____________________ as per the Companies Act and the rules there in
A The Supreme Court of India has struck down the punishment of death when a prisoner commits murder while under the sentence for life in the case of’...
Under which of the following provisions of "CPC, the Court- may at any stage of the proceedings allow either party to alter or amend his pleadings:
Session trials are?
Crime is a wrong treated essentially against
The Sale of Goods Act. 1930 is based on:
As per S.4 of the Coal Bearing Areas, Acquisition and Development Act, 1957,___________ shall give a notice of it’s intention to prospect for coal in ...
An agreement made without free consent is: