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9.89 x 4.99 + 2.01 x 49.89 = ?% of 299.69
20.05% of 450.05 – 15.15% of 119.99 × 4.02 = ?
(8.013 – 20.04) = ? + 6.98% of 5399.98
(√360.99 + 161.14) ÷ 5× 249.98 = ?
(29.98% of 9840) + ? + (19.899% of 8490) = 7560
75.22 of 219.98% + 359.99 ÷ 18.18 = ?
? = 44.78% of 839.91 – 48.12% of 774.89 + 55.77% of 1024.85
15.232 + 19.98% of 539.99 = ? × 8.99
(4.89)2 + √144.35 - √121.25 = ?
(899.117 + 1.1121) X 72.731 = ? + 49.95 X 64.78 + 29.50