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40 weeks = 40 × 7 = 280 days Shanky is 200 days older than Ravi. Kaushal is 280 days older than Shanky. Kaushal is (280 + 200) days older than Ravi. Kaushal was born on Thursday 480 days = 480/7 = 68 weeks 4 days Number of odd days = 4 days So, Ravi was born 4 days after Thursday i.e., Monday
Select the option that is related to third letter- cluster in the same way as the second – letter cluster is related to the first letter- cluster.
...Select the option in which the numbers share the same relationship as that shared by the number in the set given below.
(19, 42, 28)
(11, 39, 33)
Select the set in which the numbers are not related in the same way as are the numbers of the following set. NOTE: Operations should be performed on th...
Select the option that is related to the fifth number in the same way as the second number is related to the first number and the fourth number is rela...
Four letter-clusters are given out of which three are alike in some manner and one is different. Select the odd-one out
Select the option that is related to the third term in the same way as the second term is related to the first term.
Select the set in which the numbers are related in the same way as the numbers of the given set.
( NOTE : Operations should be performed on the...
If E = 10, HIM = 60, then ‘SWIM’ will be equal to?
Select the related word/letters/number from the given alternatives.
11 : 1342 : : 14 : ?
Arrange the following words in a meaningful order.
A. Body
B. Tissue
C. System
D. Cell
E. Organ