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What is the total number of dot balls face by Virat Kohli?
The C.P of Jeans is how much less than its M.P, if the profit % after selling Jeans is double the % discount offered on Jeans?
What is the difference between M.P and S.P of Jacket?
If the M.P of Blazer is Rs 150 more than the M.P of Jeans then, find the S.P of Blazer?
In Amity University, 25% of (B + G) who completed the course got the job, then find the number of girls who dropped out?
Approximately by what percent is the distance between the destination II and V is less than the distance between the destination IV and VII?
Find the profit % of Shirt if the % discount of Shirt is equal to % discount of Jacket and the C.P of Shirt is 1.5 times the C.P of Pullover?
How much time car R will take to cover the distance between destinations I to destination VIII?
In 2012, the respective ratio of number of employees to the promoted employees was 25 : 13. Number of female who got promoted constitutes approximately ...
What was the maximum possible new run rate of the team?