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Decoding: Statements: M < N < O ≤ P = Q ≥ R ≥ S Conclusions :     I. Q > S                 II. Q ≤ S                III. Q = O M < N < O ≤ P = Q ≥ R ≥ S                            Q ≥ S. Hence, either conclusion I or II follows. M < N < O ≤ P = Q ≥ R ≥ S                            Q ≥ O.  No relationship can be established between Q and O hence, conclusion III will not follow.
Person with independent or unorthodox views
Phrasal verbs are highlighted in bold in the below-given sentences. Mark the option that best describes its meaning.
The new law seeks to cr...
In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.
A science of race, cu...
In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which is the best substitute of the phrase.
Insatiable greed for riches
In the following question a sentence or a phrase is given which can be substituted by one word. Choose the most appropriate word explaining the sentenc...
Person who finds it difficult to go to sleep
The express train unexpectedly called out the station near my office, so I was early today.
The detective suddenly ________ a useful clue.
Select the option that best expresses the meaning of the highlighted word.
Two of the competitors failed to appear for the race.
...That cannot be taken away