Given statement: M = N ≤ P = C > G, D ≥ M > T = F Combined statement: N = M > T = F, D ≥ M =N, F = T < M = N ≤ P = C > G For conclusion I – D ≥ N, it follows. For conclusion II – N > F, it follows. For conclusion III – F < P, it follows.
How many classes are there in the given picture?
From the given responses, find the missing letter in the series.
If a mirror is placed on the shaded line, which of the following options is the correct image of the given shape?
Select the word-pair that best represents a similar relationship to the one expressed in the pairs of words given below.
(The words must be consi...
Read the given statements and conclusions carefully. Assuming that the information given in the statements is true, even if it appears to be at variance...
Refer to the given number, symbol series and answer the question that follows.
(Left) 3* @ 5% 3 + = 3 3% 8 7 & 5 $ 7 5 & # * 8 2 @ 5 (Right)
...Select the option in which the given figure is embedded (rotation is not allowed).
Rearrange the following jumbled sentences to make a meaningful one:
P: are inhibiting progress
Q: they look for creative
R: ...
Which of the following terms will replace the question mark (?) in the given series?
In a certain code language, if GIFTED is written in TRUGVW, how will LUCID be written in the same code language?