L > U < E = F ≤ G No relationship can be established between G and L. Hence conclusion I is not true. L > U < E = F ≤ G G > U. Hence conclusion II is not true. L > U < E = F ≤ G G > U. Hence conclusion III is true.
Court may order execution________.
In LLP, out of the designated partners:
What was held in the case of Hansia vs Bhaktawramal?
Under what circumstances can a member can be removed from office by the Central Government under the IFSCA Act?
Special provisions for compensation have been provided under Motor Vehicles Act for hit and run cases in respect of-
House of People shall not consists of more than _______ members chosen by direct election from constituencies of States.
Private person may arrest any person who in his presence commits ?
According to Section 5of the IRDA Act, what is the tenure of office for the Chairperson and other whole-time members?
Which of the following actions is prohibited without the necessary authorization under the provisions of the FEMA?
Special provisions for compensation have been provided under Motor Vehicles Act for hit and run cases in respect of-