
    Which of the following symbols should replace ‘@’

    and ‘%’, (in the same order from left to right) in the given expression in such a manner that ‘F > J’ and ‘G ≥ D’ definitely holds true? D ≤ E @ F = G ≥ H % I = J
    A =, < Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B <, = Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C ≤, > Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D >, = Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of the above Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    D ≤ E = F = G ≥ H < I = J                 No relationship can be established between F and J. Hence option 1 is incorrect.            D ≤ E < F = G ≥ H = I = J                 F > J and G > D. Hence option 2 is incorrect.     D ≤ E ≤ F = G ≥ H > I = J                 F > J and G ≥ D. Hence option 3 is correct. D ≤ E > F = G ≥ H = I = J                 F > J and no relationship can be established between G and D. Hence option 4 is incorrect.

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