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J ≥ W > B ≥ A > D = G ≥ F J > F. Hence conclusion I is true . J ≥ W > B > M W > M. Hence conclusion II is not true . J ≥ W > B ≥ A > D = G ≥ F J > G. Hence conclusion III is not true .
For an alternative for the financial back up to the world, Brics came up with the idea of financial architecture and concieved the idea of a fi...
In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correct word.
Choose the correctly spelt word.
India is one of their favourite destinations for this trail .
The central bank has done the heavy lift in the last few months and monetary policy may well be nearing its limits in so far as its ability to inf...
1) odible
2) awdible
3) audible
4) audibal
5) none of these
As Bangladesh commemorates (A) 50 years of its historic victory, it is worth revisiting (B) exactly why Pakistanrsquo;s leadership has remained hes...
Choose the correctly spelt word
In each of the questions below, a sentence is given with four words highlighted in bold in the sentence. Among these bold words, one may be wrongly spe...