
    In the following question the relationship between different elements are given in the statements followed by two conclusions I, and II. Read the statements carefully and mark your answer accordingly. .

    Statements: R > S, R > T, T = U, U ≥ V, V ≥ W, W < X


    I. X > R

    II. R > W

    A Only Conclusion I is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B Only Conclusion II is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C Both Conclusion I and II are true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D Either Conclusion I or II is true Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    R > T = U ≥ V ≥ W < X                     No relationship can established between X and W. Hence conclusion I is not true. R > T = U ≥ V ≥ W < X                     R > W. Hence conclusion II is true.

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