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If × stands for +’, ‘÷’ stands for ‘x’, ‘+’ stands for ‘-‘ and ‘-‘ stand...
Choose the word with correct spelling.
What technology does the Nag Mk-2 missile utilize?
The average age of a group of students in a school is 14 years. If 20% of them have an average age of 12 years and 40% have an average age of 16 years, ...
Point D is 3m to the West of Point R. Point A is 6 m to the North of point D. Point K is 16 m to West of point A. Point K forms a midpoint of the vertic...
She would ________ the thought of writing a 40-page research paper.
The average salary of the entire staff in an office is Rs. 30000 per month. The average salary of officers is Rs. 40000 and that of non-officers is Rs. ...
When his company’s stock price dropped under a dollar, the CEO decided to ___________ his title and leave the firm.
Select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.
We respect you but we don’t agree ______ your ideas.
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