‘pl zs ls' - 'conspiracy was hatched'……. (i) ‘'uq al bg' - 'would replace him' ……. (ii) 'bg kr ls' - him as hatched'….. (iii) From (i) and (ii), code for ‘hatched' is ls'. From (ii) and (iii), code for ‘him’ is bg'. We know the code for hatched' and him’, so from (iii), ‘kr’ is the code for ‘'as'.
Who was the founder of the Chola dynasty?
In the Mauryan administration, what was the role of the 'Sitadhyaksa'?
Who was the founder of Aravidu dynasty of the Vijayanagar Empire?
Who constructed the famous Martand Sun Temple in Kashmir?
Who was the mother of Samudragupta, the renowned emperor of the Gupta Empire?
The Chipko Movement was associated with the conservation of:
Who introduced the 'Chehra' and 'Dagh' systems in medieval India?
According to the latest available information, which bank opened the highest number of branches in the previous financial year (2022-23)?
Who was the author of Amuktamalyada?
Who is the founder of the Indian National Congress.