‘& * #’ - ‘material Intensity body’ ……(i) ‘@ % *’ - ‘defined Experienced body’ …..(ii) ‘& $ ?’ - ‘material unit mass’ ……(iii) From (i) & (ii) we get ‘*’ stands for ‘body’. From (i) & (iii) we get ‘&’ stands for ‘material’. Thus, in (i) statement, ‘#’ stands for ‘Intensity’.
If average weight of a class is ‘y’ kg. If a new student weighing 21 kg took admission, then the average weight is increases by 1 kg. If the...
Average age of company A is 26 years and average age of both companies A and B is 12 years. If the ratio of number of employees in company A and B is 2:...
Consider three positive numbers that form a ratio of 2:3:4. If the sum of the squares of these numbers is 2349, what is the average of the largest and t...
In an examination, the average marks obtained by the students is 60. After correcting the quantitative mistakes, the average of 100 students is reduced ...
In an exam of 100 marks, the average marks of a class of 38 students are 72. If the top 3 scorers of the class leave, the average score falls “dow...
The average of n numbers is 64. If each of 56% of the numbers is increased by 15 and each of the remaining numbers is decreased by 10, then the n...
Average marks scored by Vineet in five subjects are 85. The average marks scored by him (excluding his highest and lowest marks) are 65 and lowest marks...
Average age of 3 children born at intervals of 2 years is 8. How old is the eldest child?
The average salary of all males and females in an office is Rs.16000 and the total number of females in the office is 16. If the average salaries of mal...
Average run scored by a batsman in first ‘x’ matches is 70. In next 12 matches he scored runs with an average of 90 so that his overa...