Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. In certain code language, “Sometimes when things are” is written as “klm jlm plm tlm” “Falling apart when they” is written as “alm hlm ulm jlm” “May sometimes apart actually” is written as “klm alm vlm blm” “Be they are into” is written as “ulm llm tlm mlm” “When may into place” is written as “vlm jlm mlm wlm”
What is the code for the phrase “be Sometimes” in
the given code language?
Amlm klmCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
Btlm almCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
Cblm wlmCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
Dllm klmCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
ECannot be determinedCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
Word code- Sometimes- klm When- jlm Things- plm Are- tlm Falling- him Apart- alm They- ulm May- vlm Actually- blm