
    Read the following information carefully and answer the questions given below. In a certain code language: “nobody care about your” is written as “sz la em tw”. “story until you nobody ” is written as “cq em kt td”. “about story win your” is written as “kt sz tw ya”. “your so you far” is written as “cq wm ta sz”.

    If “so‟ is coded as “wm‟ then what is the code

    for “far‟?
    A cq Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    B td Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    C ta Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    D sz Correct Answer Incorrect Answer
    E None of these Correct Answer Incorrect Answer


    Nobody-em Care-la About-tw Your-sz Story-kt Until-td You-cq Win-ya So/far-wm/ta

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