Answer the questions based on the information given below: In a certain code language, ‘high protein better calories’ is coded as ‘abc, efg, tuv, wxy’ ‘calories way smart snacking’ is coded as ‘vbn, opq, tuv, fgh’ ‘smart way revolution protein’ is coded as ‘fgh, vbn, abc, hij’ ‘changing snacking eat protein way’ is coded as ‘opq, klm, abc, fgh, nop’
What is the code for word “ better
AwxyCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
BabcCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
CtuvCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
DefgCorrect AnswerIncorrect Answer
EEither option (a) or (d)Correct AnswerIncorrect Answer
high /better – efg/wxy protein – abc calories – tuv way- fgh smart – vbn snacking – opq revolution – hij changing//eat – klm/nop